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Pastor Rick's Letter to the Congregation
February, 2025

This month there are some special events to take note of. First, our annual congregational meeting will take place this coming Sunday, February 2, at 3 pm via Zoom. A link to the meeting will be sent out by yours truly on Saturday, February 1. Any one may attend this meeting, you do not need to be a member. But only members of the chapel can vote. If you are a member and you cannot attend the meeting, please designate a member who will be there as your proxy. This helps us to have a quorum and allows us to do official business.


Tuesday evening, February 4, at 7 pm we will have a live (and Zoom) hybrid meditation
service at the chapel. This is an experiment to see if the hybrid live/Zoom format will work. If there are any glitches, I will redo the meditation service on Zoom the following Tuesday and make it available for the rest of the month as usual. Thanks for your understanding as we seek to expand our offerings to the community without losing our online community.

Please note that on Friday, February 21, at 7 pm we will have an exciting Concert of music for the violin and piano featuring music by Beethoven and Brahms performed by Madeleine Mitchell, violin, and Elektra Schmidt, piano. This will be our first fundraiser of the year. A flyer with additional information will be sent out as soon as possible. Please mark your calendars and tell all your friends!

Your partner in our shared ministry,
Rick Yramategui

© 2017 by Carmel Valley Community Chapel

Last Updated: January 9, 2024

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